
Racoonbook is a global leader in the development of learning management systems, educational software, online tutoring and motivational educational games.

It’s all about engaging, educating and assisting children along the path to academic success to be the best they can be, whatever that level may be. We’re parents too, and we understand your fears and your child’s learning frustrations. We know you want to help your child to perform well and enjoy school, but we also know for many, academic success doesn’t always come easy. Our over-riding principles are:

Confidence: It’s important your child starts confidently, because confidence breeds success. So using our unique assessment processes, we identify the level that they can work at TODAY, with confidence and competence.

Convenience:Your child can work at their place, at their pace. No peer pressure. Just their secret weapon to improve confidence and classroom performance.

Cost-effective: We want a tool that is affordable to as many families as possible. However, we fervently believe in “you get what you pay for”, so we may not be the cheapest you can find, but you will be getting one of the best learning systems available.

Content: We want to make sure we have sufficient content to cater for every ability level at every age level. Whether your child is 5 years behind, where they should be, or is 5 years ahead, you can rest assured that the system will provide the content required for the outcomes you are looking for.

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